Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Katarzyna Kozakiewicz

Katarzyna Kozakiewicz - fitness females

This is Polish fitness competitor and figure athlete Katarzyna Kozakiewicz.
Katarzyna started out as a horseback rider (I'm assuming competitively) and after fourteen years of doing that, moved into fitness.
She started out in bodybuilding competitions first in 2000 and moved into fitness in 2003.
In fitness competitions, she has had several first place wins including...

1st place, Polish Cup, Ostrow Mazowiecka, 2003
1st place Championship Polish, Bialystok, 2004
1st place Krakow Polish Cup, 2004
1st place Championship Polish, Minsk Mazowiecki, 2005
1st place Championship Polish Open, Zabrze, 2006
1st place Championship Polish, Minsk Mazowiecki, 2006
1st place Championship Polish, Bialystok, 2007
1st place Open Contest in Rypinie, 2007

Katarzyna Kozakiewicz - fitness beauties