Monday, January 9, 2012

How To Develop Nice Legs

 Serena DeVito & Jeremy LeBeau have been consistently working to each build nice defined legs, which fit proportionally with their bodies.  Many people that workout, enjoy to workout out the upper body, and seem to let the lower body slide.  This happens for many reasons, but perhaps the mostly because everyone can hide their legs underneath clothing.  For many girls, this will result in perhaps skinny legs, but with the extra fat build up around the upper thighs.  For most guys, this will result in the skinny leg look, with the lack of building a nice built butt, and a larger un-proportional upper body. So, what to do?  Well, Serena Devito & Jeremy LeBeau feel that their success to developing nice toned legs, comes with constantly training legs, and always working on the diet!  Again, you can work out your legs, but if your diet is off, you will not reveal the hard work! 

Our key to successfully building nice legs!
1)    Train them 2x a week
2)   Utilize several different exercises
3)  Switch up the amount of weight used
4)   Switch up the amount of reps preformed
5)  Switch up the amount of sets
6)  Focus around free-weight movements
7)   Never train to failure
8)  Change up the speed/tempo you perform the excersie
9)  Change feet position on exercises to hit different parts of the legs
10) Enjoy working the legs out!
11)   Work on the diet , less fat more definition